Don't get me wrong, I have a good life.

I have a loving fiance and a healthy bright-eyed baby. None the less, I still have my struggles. I struggle with motivation for completing my degree. Sometimes I wish I could stay home and be one of those fun stay at home moms that takes their young kids out to do activities and explore. Then it hits me, but with what money or friends? My only close mom friend lives miles away. I live in Texas and she lives in North Dakota. It is SO HARD finding a mom friend that you can still have differences with but neither of you really cares what they are. We formed our friendship before we were pregnant before she was married and before I was engaged. I was in her wedding and she will be in mine. I was the first person she told when she found out she was pregnant and when I found out I was pregnant, she was the first person I told. We're so crazy, we talked about finding a nice mountain in Colorado and building our houses next to each other. Our significant others are close and even talked about having weekly family dinners together. We joke that we found our couple-mates. Even though we laugh about it, I think each of us knows its true. Even though we don't talk every day, or spend as much time together, she is still my best friend and mom-best friend.
That's probably why I have so much difficulty finding another mom friend. You know when you have the best version of your favorite food or beverage, and when you order it from anywhere else, it's just not the same? My best friend is a mojito from the Hilton Hotel on Time square. I still haven't found a comparable mojito, and Lord knows I've tried! I'm probably going to send her text about how shes ruined mom friends for me.
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